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At Bailey Sports Therapy we offer a wide range of quality services. Why don't you take a look around and see which is best for you and your health and fitness needs.

Treatment & Services

deep tissue, massage, sports, remedial, manchester, bolton, wigan, physio, physiotherapy, therapist, therapy, cheap, muscle, pain, injury, stiffness, mobile, home, visit, ice, heat, hamstings, knee, hip, ankle, wrist, shoulder, leg, back, lower back, neck
Sports & Ice Massage


Sports massage has so many benefits, and anybody can benefit from a sports massage provided by a qualified sports therapist! Sports massage is not only beneficial to the injured; there is much to be gained if you are uninjured, sore from recent training, looking to improve your performance or simply stressed and needing to relax.

treatment, rehab,rehabilitation, physio, physiotherapy, sports, massage, injuries, manchester, bolton, wigan, cheap, professional, muscle, joint, stiffness, pain, fit, fitness, hamstring, knee, shoulder, ankle, wrist, training, therapy, private, home visit
bolton, physio, sports massage bolton, injury rehab, injury treatment, physiotherapy bolton, muscle pain, muscle stiffness, lower back pain treatment, lower back pain treatment bolton, cheap sports massage, cheap injury treatment, sports therapy bolton,
Pain/Injury Assesment & Treatment


Bailey Sports Therapy provides a detailed and personal assessment, focusing on the cause of your symptoms, these detailed, specific assessments allow us to determine the injury by its characteristics, presentation and symptoms, resulting in specific effective treatment. Our motivated therapists have wide experience treating a multitude of injuries and are passionate about getting long term results.

treatment, rehab,rehabilitation, physio, physiotherapy, sports, massage, injuries, manchester, bolton, wigan, cheap, professional, muscle, joint, stiffness, pain, fit, fitness, hamstring, knee, shoulder, ankle, wrist, training, therapy, private, home visit
bolton physio, physiotherapy bolton, sports massage bolton, sports massage manchester, sports injury rehabilitation, injury treatment, whiplash trteatment, muscle stiffness, muscle pain, joint pain, cheap sports massage, injury prevention program,
Flexibility Sessions


Flexibility is a key yet often overlooked, integral part of fitness. Some pain and injuries can come from one being insufficiently supple. Our sessions aim to improve your flexibility, in turn reducing your chances of picking up an injury.

treatment, rehab,rehabilitation, physio, physiotherapy, sports, massage, injuries, manchester, bolton, wigan, cheap, professional, muscle, joint, stiffness, pain, fit, fitness, hamstring, knee, shoulder, ankle, wrist, training, therapy, private, home visit
physio bolton, physio wigan, sports massage bolton, sports massage wigan, bolton physiotherapy, injury rehab bolton, injury rehab wigan, muscle pain, joint pain, sports massage, injury treatment bolton, lower back pain bolton, lower back pain, injury
Surgical Rehabilitation


At bailey sports therapy we offer individual and specific treatment following your surgery. Post-surgery rehabilitation with us will, relieve pain, improve function and range of motion, improve strength and feeling as well as minimise chance of re-injury. You will work closely with your therapist to achieve a gradual and achievable program of goals in order to work toward full pre-injury activity.

treatment, rehab,rehabilitation, physio, physiotherapy, sports, massage, injuries, manchester, bolton, wigan, cheap, professional, muscle, joint, stiffness, pain, fit, fitness, hamstring, knee, shoulder, ankle, wrist, training, therapy, private, home visit
bolton physio, physiotherapy bolton, sports massage bolton, bolton sports massage, cheap sports massage, private physio bolton, home physio bolton, wigan physio, manchester physio, injury rehab, sports injury treatment, bolton sports firstaid, bolton medic


BST can provide athletic & Kineseology taping as part of a longer term treatment plan or as a one off application if you just want to try it out. The benefits of taping are instant, releiving soreness, swelling and improving performance.

treatment, rehab,rehabilitation, physio, physiotherapy, sports, massage, injuries, manchester, bolton, wigan, cheap, professional, muscle, joint, stiffness, pain, fit, fitness, hamstring, knee, shoulder, ankle, wrist, training, therapy, private, home visit
hamstring injury bolton, bolton physio, bolton physiotherapy, sports massage bolton, cheap sports massage, injury rehab, injury treatment, wigan physio, manchester physio, bolton sports therapist, bolton firstaid
Injury Prevention


It’s a well-known saying that prevention is better than a cure, and here at Bailey Sports Therapy we are firm believers in this. We hate seeing people in pain and want to give you the knowledge and tools to prevent injuries. We can provide programs and sessions of exercises along with the reasons behind why these exercises are relevant to you and the preventing of injuries.

treatment, rehab,rehabilitation, physio, physiotherapy, sports, massage, injuries, manchester, bolton, wigan, cheap, professional, muscle, joint, stiffness, pain, fit, fitness, hamstring, knee, shoulder, ankle, wrist, training, therapy, private, home visit
northwest sports physio, sports physio, bolton firstaid, firstaid, pitchside medic, bolton medic, manchester sports firstaid, sports firstaider, manchester sports physio, lancashire sports physio, lancashire physio, matchday physio, botlon physio
Pitch-side Medical Cover


Bailey Sports Therapy is experienced in providing a professional medical service in a sports training or competitive sports environment. We are available for you to book if you are planning a sports event! Booking us is easy and we can provide multiple packages to suit the needs of your event or game.

treatment, rehab,rehabilitation, physio, physiotherapy, sports, massage, injuries, manchester, bolton, wigan, cheap, professional, muscle, joint, stiffness, pain, fit, fitness, hamstring, knee, shoulder, ankle, wrist, training, therapy, private, home visit
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