Flexibility Sessions
Flexibility is a key yet often overlooked component of any training or fitness program. Flexibility and stretching can reduce pain in muscles, improve circulation, contribute to muscle growth and development, reduce chances of injury, improve range of motion and improve performance. Bailey Sports Therapy can provide affordable specialist tailored flexibility programs for individuals as part of a training program or goal, and group sessions for teams of any sport, our programs have been seen to reduce intrinsic injury occurrence in rugby teams.
With a BST flexibility session you can expect a thorough head to toe stretching session, you will learn the best stretching techniques for each muscle group and feel completely stretched by the end of your session. The aim of our flexibility sessions is to increase the suppleness and flexibility of your muscles and joints, this in-turn increases your range of motion and decreases your susceptibility to lots of muscle injuries. If you wish to book multiple sessions then your individual sessions will focus more on certain muscle groups or tight areas; each session lasts approximately 30 minutes.